Friday 1 May 2009

From the Archive (part 1 of a continuing series).

In the run-up to the Club's 60th Anniversary (2010), this blog will be featuring snippets from the Cross archives.

These words of wisdom (written by then club Secretary James Bradley) first appeared in the W. H. Mann Guide to Scottish Cricket 1999 but remain relevant:

'Next year we will [be] working on the simple equation (suggested by Father Jack*, and finally proved after 100 years [of] research by club mathematician Colin McGill), more drink = more beers'

*For younger readers, this is a reference to a character ( in the Channel 4 situation comedy (and -for older readers- moderately amusing Hancock's Half Hour rip off) Father Ted (Hatrick Productions, 1995-8). Any resemblance between the character Father Jack and a living Holy Cross player is entirely intentional.

1 comment:

  1. As a representative of the Young Crossers Association, i am well aware of who Father Jack was...

    I concur on the likeness!
