Wednesday 19 May 2010

No Future? - KF on Scottish Cricket: part 3 of a continuing series

****** This post has been withdrawn on account of its controversial content ******

Electronic copies can be obtained (by registered HX members only) from cje and have also been 'Cross posted' via email.


  1. The first mistake in suppressing the Truth has been committed. The public outcry surrounding the suppression of this hot topic will insure national coverage. Also, though the tagline claims Accies are mentioned, at no point in my article to I namecheck them. I suspect a smear counter attack is already upon me!!!

    Fox Mulder.

  2. surely the 'Accies' mentioned are Holy Cross Academicals?

    Frazerio, why not post it here---

  3. In the ongoing e-mail discussion of the "Holy X File" there have been some references to "Charlie's Gulag". Can I make it clear that it's my gulag ? There were goood reasons why I didn't want KF's excellent piece to appear in a public forum and I am happy to discuss them with anyone who's interested - but not by e-mail .....
