Monday 19 April 2010

Famous Crossers? (1st Instalment)

Though we're all aware that the club membership contains a number of distinguished individuals (well 3 at least) could it be that it contains some hidden talent...

Exhibit A.
Is this a young Matthew Broderick...or perhaps a well-connected young Crosser?

Exhibit B.
is this Danish Table Tennis Player (and European Champion in 2009)
Michael Maze...or is it a fearsome ex-Crosser?

watch Maze/ The B***t win the European Championships here:


  1. I have no idea who they are. Can you offer up a clue?

  2. Anonymous,
    I've no idea who you are. Can you offer up a clue?

    I was hoping it would be obvious who they were...evidently my eyesight does need tested...

  3. anyone going to reveal who they are meant to be??

  4. A is surely Andy 'Never Injured You Coffin Dodgers' Graham
