Friday 30 April 2010

Another Celebrity Sighting

This Cross veteran, known for his exotic regional accent and propensity to over-consume, can often be found drunk in charge of a heavy roller during bar opening hours at Arbo before rolling home in the Volvo. Known variously to the police as the Belhaven Beast, the Ten-Pint Taxi and the Southside Stenmark, he has long evaded capture for trafficking undesirable aliens across the city and for maliciously procuring sub-standard lawnmowers.

His true identity is, of course, safe with us.


  1. c'mon lads, this frivolous look-a-likes stuff is getting out of hand. Can we please return to more serious matters.

  2. here's footage of the selection committee getting to grips with this man earlier this week:

  3. your post neglects to mention his
    footballing loyalties. Made clear here:
