Thursday 4 February 2010

Ziggy Pipes up... Again

After his previous piece on the Cricket Scotland website, our 2nd team skipper has now taken to posting pseudonymously (or perhaps it's a piece co-written with Coco?)on the Spectator blog:

1 comment:

  1. I suggest a new Quote of the Season gong for next Awards Night, to be adjudicated by Admin, taken from the website. The quote from Ziggy's booze tinged July clarion call "I've noticed a worrying lack of focus and commitment amongst Crossers" deserves belated elevation to the inaugrual winners podium. An absolute classic of its genre, standing on the shoulders of previous long-winded put-it-right-fests by 'Crossers who really, really hurt' like Lohan, Mackay and maybe even my good self on some weary occasion. Translate it into Latin and attach it to the HX badge say I!!!
