Monday 11 April 2011


Unfortunately, the Newfield nets are no longer available on a regular basis, but we have arranged three evening sessions in pre-season/early season, as follows -
  • Wednesday 20th April.
  • Thursday 28th April.
  • Wednesday 4th May.
Given the limited interest in nets in recent seasons, at least after the first few weeks, we are unlikely to arrange an alternative venue for the remainder of the season. There will, however, be regular midweek friendlies for those who want more practice opportunities. Details to follow shortly.


  1. where's McGill, Vikram smoking and Smudger's dog?...otherwise that looks like a typical HX net...

  2. This is disappointing news indeed. I also reckon it will effect our abaility to attract new players during the season. Newfeild was becoming a pain in the arse though, clearly we need our own net/s. Seriously.
    Surely it can't be that hard to build them ourselves?

  3. Time to ask for funding?

  4. I'm with Bainbro and Broon. Building our own with subsidy if available. Broon as the politico of the club, KG notwithstanding, are you familiar with grant application processes? They tend to do my head in!

  5. I think it's a matter for the Club Committee to get their heads together and form a strategy. I am sure that I'll be able to assist after May 5th in helping out with sourcing info / applications etc.

    It'll be a good way for me to contribute to the Club this summer as my torn ankle ligaments may have me out for the best part of it.

  6. Torn ankle ligaments? I didn't realise canvassing was that vigorous an activity. Were you running away from angry Sheridanites?
