Friday 3 December 2010

The Write-y Quinn

With legendary reporter-cum-controversialist KF otherwise engaged composing unfeasibly tricky quizzes, the editorial board has sought long and hard for a new Chief Test Cricket Correspondent.

We are delighted to have secured, or at least borrowed, the services of Mr Andrew Quinn. Andy is well known at Arbo as our foremost last-day-of-the-season specialist and one of the few men ever to challenge the Ellises for the title of Nicest Crosser. But few are aware of his literary talents or of his ill-fated trip Down Under for the 2006-7 tour.

Anyway, here's Andy's account of the early stages of the First Test.


  1. Not bad, but the original and best shall be along soon.....

  2. Looking at the accompanying photo, did Mr Quinn take it himself or is this from the All Seeing Admin's HXTV secret webcam which reaches into all of our homes via the pc? We need to be told!!!

  3. 'Frazerio said...

    Looking at the accompanying photo, did Mr Quinn take it himself or is this from the All Seeing Admin's HXTV secret webcam which reaches into all of our homes via the pc? We need to be told!!!'

    not only does Mr Admin know where you live but also what you are downloading.
