Friday 21 June 2013

Caption Competition

Desperate to avoid a run of three successive of ducks I turned to legendary Holy Cross spanksman CJ Ellis for advice ahead of Tuesday nights friendly vs Edinburgh South.

His advice worked (largely because as soon as I ignored it I got out), the dreaded hat-trick was avoided and a reputable 36 scored.

There is a jug for anyone who can guess what his advice was (hint - it was less technical more mental approach) and a pint for the best response (either comical or useful).


  1. CE (in Boycott-esque accent): "I seez yer problem." CE looks at his right hand. "Yuv been usin' a phone not a crickit bat. Thissun'll help ya hit tha ball better."
    RB: "Wizzer! I thought that it'd been making some funny noises."

  2. if anyone gets this i'll give them some English National Opera tickets
